Do You Want to be Loved?

Manuela Timofte
3 min readFeb 25, 2024

There comes a moment in your life when you have to decide whether you continue the “charade” you have been playing with your own life for some time or take the ropes in your hands and change direction.

We all love to be loved, but how many of us love or give love to others? It’s easy to say “he doesn’t love me the way I love him”, or “he doesn’t deserve my love”, but is this really love? Do you know what the other lives inside? In genuine love, you give without expecting anything in return. When you give love only to receive a reward regardless of its form, your love is limited and selfish.

“Rather than cursing the darkness, it is better to light a candle.” — Lao Zi

Thoughts and sayings like “he doesn’t love me, how I love him”, or “he doesn’t deserve my love” denote negativity, lack of trust in the love that is offered to you, your false lack of worth because you are not valuable enough to deserve it to be loved. They all stem from fears, from traumas stored in your subconscious.

Experiencing fear, anger, hatred, and stress, the chains of our DNA shrink and block many of its codes. They contract on their own. Therefore, it is not unusual that in fear, anger, anxiety, and depression, we feel isolated. We isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. It is not in vain to say that “our ships are drowning” or “we are black with anger”. Through the decisions we make, we choose darkness, we create our hell.

“We create our hell, which is the sum of all our decisions — we are not condemned, we condemn ourselves.” — Gabrielle Stress


Loving, everything seems to be perfect in our world. Nothing seems to bother us, and nothing seems to be wrong. Romantically speaking, each of us has loved at least once in life. In those moments, we know the world seems more beautiful and different than we knew. Everything has a different colour and scent, and you feel alive. We are also seen as being brighter and more beautiful when we love. We are told that happiness can be read on our faces.

It is like in nature, when the sun shines, and everything looks more beautiful and brighter: flowers, trees, birds, insects, people because every cell lives with light and light means life. The sun offers its light and love to anyone, anywhere on earth, without borders. Everything is born and reborn in love and light.

“Be like the towering mountain and raise your light above everything surrounding you. Do not forget that you take the same steps to its top as to its base, and the air is the same above and below, and the tree grows on the top of the mountain as well as at its base, and the sun shines on the peak of the mountain, as well as on the smooth earth.“ — (from The Laws of Zamolxis*)

In love, DNA chains expand. It is natural to charge ourselves with more energy, with more light. DNA research shows that although 95% of our DNA is called “junk”, we use it in our communication with each other. Our DNA senses in less than a nanosecond (0.000000001 sec) the change in our emotions (see Poponin & Gariaev experiments). Our feelings influence our DNA, and because we are connected, they change our world. We emit and store light. The more energy and light we have, the more positive we are.

Beyond the flow of time and thoughts of the gods, is the Living and Eternal Fire, from which all things come and through which all things exist. … Nothing is made without light, and everything coming from light comes to life and takes flesh.” …. — (from The Laws of Zamolxis*)

We live and give out anger and fear, and we get it back and create our hell. Yet, we also have the power to live in our heaven, expressing love, and giving it on. We are the ones who create our reality and our world. As Seneca put it,

You want to be loved, love!

Zamolxis — the deity of the Geto-Dacians (ancestors of the Romanians)



Manuela Timofte

I believe in the beauty of the human soul, nature and love, and I share my thoughts and work with love to encourage you.