If and Only If

Manuela Timofte
4 min readJun 27, 2024

The Japanese word for “happiness” is “Ureshii”, written in two parts.

The first part means woman and the second part means luck. Perhaps the ancestors who created the writing system used in Japan knew how important it is to make other people happy, especially women.

Masaru Emoto

However, we all seek “a splash of happiness”, some for decades, and others for a lifetime. Yet, we often hold beliefs such as “if I have …, I’ll be happy”, and they direct our energy. As a result, when we lack something — whether it is money, family, friends, time, or a partner — it’s natural to feel and live unhappily.

Observing the faces of those around us, from our loved ones, and ending with the face of the planet, we can see how much unhappiness there is and how little people know how to love others and love themselves.

Although we are all human beings, we are also unique. Therefore, the meaning of happiness varies for each of us, and it is not contingent on wealth, education, religion, and not even on money, time, or friends.


Money is paper or coin created to pay for some services, not to replace the worthiness we are all born with regardless of family status. Arrogance makes you think that you are happy because you have a lot of money, but there is a reason that the old people said that money does not bring happiness. You can have loads of money and be miserable.


Some have a family their entire life, others are born and forgotten by the so-called biological family, but they carve out a purpose in life as they know, can, and will. Sometimes the family supports you, sometimes out of “too much love” they don’t allow you to be who you are, forcing you to be and live what they want. Thus, you can have a family and be unhappy, because blood ties are not a condition of love and happiness.

Blood ties do not ensure fidelity or love.

Barbara Taylor Bradford


We all have a limited time here on earth, and we do not know how long it is. For all that, we are usually attached to the past, and the more attached you are to the past, the more depressed you are. You spend years or your whole life sorting out the dilemmas of what life would look “if” we did or said… Yet, you need to let go of the cans of the past that you’ve been carrying around for too long. “Now” or as Irvin D. Yalom says “a moment in the sun” is all you have. Tomorrow is another day we call it “today”, and the way you live it is your decision.



You think you have thousands of friends on social media, but you know nothing about most of them, and often not even what they look like. In addition, if you are in trouble, if you lose your “VIP” status that you have or are not validated by a more important person, they will disappear as if they never existed. Instead, you can have one or a few friends that you can count on your fingers, that you know and that know you. He or they help you when needed, whose shoulders support you. They show you that even though with the weaknesses, you are strong enough to start over.

Friendship means compassion and kindness.

Masaru Emoto

Thousands of friends are just a long list of names and is not a condition of happiness.

Rich in money or friends, with or without family, in our journey called life, you need to find your way to return to your inner harmony, because there, in that harmony, is everything you need to be happy. That harmony exists regardless of money, friends, and family and regaining it, we will not sit, as it says in Kybalion, at “a rich table in front of which we die of hunger”.

“If, and only if”, is a condition of a selfish society. We are born worthy and all are rich within, because of our inner wealth. Returning to that, says Schopenhauer, is the condition of happiness.”

If men would harmonize themselves, the whole world around them would harmonize, for we are the world, and the world is one with us. What we call society is the total sum of people’s thoughts and feelings, it is the reflection of their attitudes. If we change these attitudes, we will change the whole society.”

David Icke


  • Arthur Schopenhauer — Viata, amorul, moarte
  • David Icke — The Biggest Secret
  • Irvin D. Yalom — Becoming Myself: A Psychiatrist’s Memoir
  • Kybalion — Studiu asupra filozofiei ermetice a vechiului Egipt si a vechii Elade de trei inițiați
  • Masaru Emoto — The Miracle of Water



Manuela Timofte

I believe in the beauty of the human soul, nature and love, and I share my thoughts and work with love to encourage you.